Members' Survey 16/01/2018

Members were recently advised on this website that a small team has been set up to try and stem the flow of members leaving the Club and to recruit new members.

Over the last ten years, in common with many clubs, membership (all classes) of the Club has declined, from 1098 to 743 (2017 figure). There have been notable drops in membership in Associate and Junior classes. Obviously, this reduction in membership cannot be allowed to continue, otherwise the very future of the Club will be put in jeopardy.


The Membership Recruitment Team is requesting that you, as members, help us by completing this survey. The survey is open to all classes of membership. We hope you do not need much encouragement to complete the survey, but, provided we receive a minimum of thirty replies, there will be a draw with a prize of £50 Smartcard Credit

Closing Date for entries Monday 19th February 2018

Please click on the following link to complete the survey



To date (30th January), we have had a fantastic response to the survey - thank you very much. To those members who have not replied, I wish to remind you that you have until the 19th February to do so.

Stephen Boswell

(membership convenor)