2012 Survey - Club Administration 12/02/2013




This result points to a need for improved communication with Officers/ Council although it is fair to say a score of 70% for good or satisfactory in this respect is not as low as may have been anticipated in the light of recent comments at AGM etc.














Handling of General Enquiries






Communication with the Office in General






Communication with Officers/Council






Council’s Response to the Survey Findings


The satisfaction ratings here are lowest on communication with Officers/ Council. Since the survey was completed all of the names of Council members and their roles, Associate Committee are published on the new website. Of course, previously, these details were included in the fixture book that was published each year but it acknowledged that it is much more accessible via the website. There are no restrictions on time limits for communicating with Officers or Council members except in those circumstances involving a complaint being made about a members where the Rules of the Club impose a 7 day deadline. For all other purpose contact can be made by personals contact in the Club, through the Office or via the Honorary Secretary. All members of Council are quite happy to hear representations from members provided only that they are made in a courteous and friendly manner.
The recent Members’ Evening held in October 2012 was an excellent communication exercise for Council and Members judging by the feedback received. It is hoped to hold such evenings a couple of times each year and when major issues need to be communicated to and discussed with the membership.

There are some useful suggestions about ways in which we could use electronic means to issue invoices, receipts etc to save on postage. However, it is not all plain sailing, there are quite a few members who do not use the internet or email and also it is notoriously difficult to keep email addresses up to date since members do not feel obliged to inform the Club if email addresses change, as they do quite frequently. Nonetheless, there is obvious merit in maximizing the use of electronic media to improve efficiency.

While the level of satisfaction in respect of contact with the Office staff is generally high there are some who find the experience not very enjoyable.  In particular, opening up the Office to a greater extent was suggested by a number of people. This is something that Council will review.

2012 Survey - Comments on Administration

The comments which follow are the full and unedited contributions from members who completed the Survey carried out during 2012. I have tried to sort them into groups specific to particular areas of Administration.  In a few cases, where comments related to more than one area, I have split them into a number of comments and allocated them under the different headings. The comments expressed are those of the members who submitted them. I accept no responsibility whatsoever for spelling, grammar or content!
Denis O’Sullivan

  • As with the main bar, it seems a chore for the office staff to deal with enquiries or attempts to pay monies
  • The Administration staff are always helpful
  • I find going to the office can be hit and miss, I'm a customer but I'm made to feel like an inconvenience.
  • This is the one area where the club is let down. Most staff in the club are friendly and helpful the admin staff totally lack these two qualities.
  • Please open the office up and have less signs and barriers.  I was in the Poor Clare convent recently and it was easier to communicate with nuns in an enclosed order.
  • no snail mail  for invoices ,receipts and anything else for any member with e-mail
  • All professional set up
  • Ask office staff, and others, to smile more :)
  • Joanne and Leanne provide a good service and are always helpful.
  • This is the one area where the club is let down. Most staff in the club are friendly and helpful, the admin staff totally lack these two qualities.
  • Very helpful in office
  • I think the shutter on the window should be open and inviting not closed and signalling "do not disturb" - after all we are paying for the service which could be left open-plan.
  • Office staff can be off hand and abrupt at times. Not the approach when we need to be positive and welcoming to encourage new memberships.


  • Clearer, open communication needed. Mobile numbers between certain hours could be applied.
  • How do you communicate with council?  You have to write letters - if they are not written in a certain style - time limit etc etc they are disregarded. 
  • I have written to council once with regard to an appalling letter that I received regarding a group I was involved with working on an equality agenda.  I am still waiting for an acknowledgement of such and response. I admit this was several years ago but I am/was definitely not impressed.  In fact many of the issues covered in your survey were pointed out to some members of council.
  • I think communication is a key issue between council and members as well as within committees.  Does everyone within a committee get an opportunity to decide on issues of concern or do a few set the agenda and are decisions made elsewhere?
  • Communication is a 2 way process I would genuinely like to see this improved.  This survey is important I hope comments are taken on board.
  • Very little sharing of information at most levels except for a chosen few
  • There needs to be a list of council members with contact numbers and what their role is within the club. So if someone has a question they know who to go to and how to contact them.
  • Up until recently certain officers have ignored the wishes of the members, thus putting the club in a precarious position. Hopefully, with the appointment of a new secretary, this situation will be resolved.
  • I do not feel that Council and particular certain council members make themselves available to the general member.  They are also not listening to the members when they air their grievances on issues such as the course.  They have a perception that they are doing their way or no way.  This makes them unapproachable and our voice and concerns irrelevant.


  • The proposed website with Twitter and Facebook should improve communications.
  • Perhaps, a couple of times a year, there could be an open meeting of ALL members to quiz Council members. 
  • The website needs to have more information on the issues in the club and be updated on a regular basis.
  • The website is an embarrassment and needs properly re-vamped, surely there are members or even junior members capable of this.
  • I would like bulletins to be informative - provide genuine information regarding the progress of the club.  I am not interested in jokes or Fortwilliam Man or how Rory McIlroy is doing - I can buy the papers for that. I am interested in our members and articles regarding their achievements, interests etc.
  • Last year we were told to put £100 onto the bar tab in June, but it had to be through the admin office, I was not aware of this, just like other members and ended up having to put on £200 through lack of communication.
  • We should have an active Facebook account sending out a weekly update and news on course opening and competition availability. It could be managed between the office and the Pro shop.
  • Who is M&H secretary this year, it seems to be a state secret?
  • At the moment not enough bulletins or info, but realise new Hon Sec is settling in.
  • I know of one member who was coming back this year but due to the slow response to his letter requesting rejoining it was too late to avail of the direct debit scheme.He has since decided to hold off for another year.
  • better use of the internet to keep members regularly updated.
  • Social events  and administrative requirements need to be better advertised in a timely fashion as I have often missed out due to not hearing about them. For example, having been a member for 5 years, this is the first time I have received an email. It was by accident I heard about the £500 club. Emailing calendar and functions a month in advance if possible would help increase numbers attending.
  • This would improve members knowledge of council matters.
  • I had queries about booking a room for a special occasion, I needed two emails to even get a response and then a follow up email was ignored - needless to say I went elsewhere.
  • I also resigned by email to the Hon Sec before the deadline - several months later I got a letter to say I was in bad standing. It was not until I produced copies of the email that my standing was changed - before that the office was adamant I was in the wrong.

  • No snail mail  for invoices ,receipts and anything else for any member with e-mail
  • Savings could be made by on printing and postage by greater use of  email and
  • electronic payment methods.
  • Substantial savings can be made in the operations of the office. Smart Card top ups has members being invoiced and then receipts issued after payment mainly by post. This must be over £1 per smart card holder. Software should be updated to show that £100 has been credited to a card between 1st June and 30th June or an agreed slot to best suit the Club, and direct contact only with the exception thereafter.
  • Invoicing should be on-line where possible, fees etc again reducing the cost and man hours of preparing, letter stuffing, postage etc.
  • Surely some sort of database of members addresses should be maintained reducing the number of letters being issued to any one household.
  • Email list for members incomplete, etc did not receive this email, had to have other member send to me, yet I get other emails.
  • We should force everyone to get an email address and stop sending first class letters.
  • Try visiting some other clubs and getting ideas.